India Round Table meetings
The Netherlands India Chamber of Commerce & Trade (NICCT) organised Round Table Meetings on 'Doing Business In India'. These sessions were organised for entrepreneurs who are serious about starting business in India as well as entrepreneurs that are already active in India.
The Co-organisers were Limburgse Export Sociëteit', the 'Brabants - Zeeuwse Werkgeversvereniging (BZW)', the 'Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM)', the Chamber of Commerce in Eindhoven, Amsterdam in Business, the 'VNO NCW Metropool Amsterdam' and MKB Nederland.
India offers many opportunities, but is sometimes seen and experienced as a country will many written and even more unwritten rules. Entrepreneurs that started their journey of doing Business in India experience this every day.
These round table meetings and talks, guided bij professionals covered topics and scenario's that everybody who is serious about doing Business in this Subcontinent will experience at a certain moment.
Are you working with the right partner? How do you find the right staff, how do you retain them when you found them? Which management style works and which recompesation policies work in the long run? These were some of the items that were discussed by the participants where everybody shared their experience and together they looked for directions towards solutions that will work.
The participants all felt relieved, inspired and enthousiastic after these sessions, realising that they are not alone and that meeting at these round table sessions eally helps in creating a fraternity and a shared body of knowledge on how to make the most of the opportunities that India has to offer.
If you are interested and would like to know more about these Sessions visit us at and select Round Table in the category menu.